アルバム 2019/03/27 (12曲)
アルバム 2019/03/27 (12曲)
9月29日は、中秋の名月。ようやく秋めいてきた今日この頃。月を歌ったJ-POPのうた(一部、K-POPも)をピックアップ。BGMとしてシャッフルしてお聴きいただければと。どこからでも満月もしくは月にまつわるうたばかりです。月見ソングとしてお気に入りの曲を見つけてください。 edited by TOWER RECORDS MUSIC Staff.
MAPPA制作アニメのOP/EDをまとめ聴き! edited by Tower Records' Staff
2017年上半期再生ランキングを発表! 集計期間:2017/1/1~2017/6/30 ※レコチョク Best、ひかりTVミュージック、「dミュージック」月額コースの合算となります。
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.