アルバム 2019/05/22 (7曲)
アルバム 2019/05/22 (7曲)
EXILE TRIBEアーティストの楽曲の中からハイテンションでカロリー高めの夏フェスのような、テンション上げたい時にぜひ聴いて頂きたいプレイリストを作成しました!LIVEでも毎回盛り上がりを魅せるEXILE THE SECOND"Going Crazy"やパフォーマンスが印象的なEXILE"DANCE INTO FANTASY"、"NEO UNIVERSE"、三代目JSOULBROTHERS"Rat-Tat-Tat"、そして白濱亜嵐さんが加入されたPKCZの"GLAMOROUS"も必聴です!!さらにEXILE SHOKICHI、ØMI、今市隆二、岩田剛典などソロ楽曲からも選曲してみました!どれもこれもアドレナリン大放出な心躍る楽曲です! Tower Records' Staff edited by AP (EXILE TRIBEの沼から抜け出せない、LIVEに行くのが生き甲斐。踊りたくなるようなテンション高めな曲が大好物。元々はスカパンクバンド好き。)
BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBEの代表曲・人気曲をピックアップ
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.
LDH is a management office of dance-vocal groups with the dance school "EXPG" in Japan. LDH artists perform dynamically to J-POP, which is greedily incorporates various genres. The play list is a collection of their songs and edited with SONY headphone WH-1000XM5 wireless mode.